Person fixing an issue with a bicycle with a wrench denoting how to be a bicycle mechanic

There are plenty of career paths for one to choose from. So, it is according to the ability and passion one can choose which path he or she would like to go forward in. In this article, we are focusing on how to be a bicycle mechanic. You might think that the demand for bicycles is dying. That might be somewhat true. But that does not mean that the demand for bicycle mechanics is dying. Therefore, if you think that this is the pathway that suits you, do not ever hesitate in choosing this field. There surely is a future for you. But first, you need to know how to be a bicycle mechanic. This article would definitely enlighten you.

Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance: The World’s Best-Selling Bicycle Repair and Maintenance Guide Paperback – January 1, 2016

The author of the book is Lennard Zinn. This is one of the world’s best-selling handbooks to bicycle repair and maintenance. Lennard Zinn’s this book with illustrations makes every bicycle repair and maintenance task easy and achievable. In fact, this book includes the ways to fix problems in bicycles from fundamental fixes like how to replace a flat tire to sophisticated overhauls of drivetrains and brakes. Lennard Zinn is regarded as the world’s foremost professionals in bicycle maintenance and repair. His easy-to-follow instructions describe the equipment you would need and how to tell if you have completed the task correctly. So, it is obviously a good book for a bicycle mechanic to have. 

What does a Bicycle Mechanic do?

Before getting to know how to be a bicycle mechanic, it would be necessary for you to know what a bicycle mechanic does. Basically, there are lots of tasks that you would have to take over.

A bicycle mechanic would have to build bicycles considering the requirements of the client. Also, it might be identifying certain bugs and repairing them. Further, bicycle mechanics may have to conduct safety checks and services for bicycles as well. Of course, maintenance jobs and replacement jobs are all parts of that job. 

So, it is clear that bicycle mechanics basically have a lot to do. This job might seem simple. But in actual fact, there are lots of things in it. Hence, it is not fairly simple. It has a lot in it. So, keep reading! You can get to know the perfect pathway to become a bicycle mechanic.

How to Build a Bike: A Simple Guide to Making Your Own Ride Paperback – Illustrated, October 5, 2017

This book by Jenni Gwiazdowski is a good book for you to refer to if you are reading this article on how to be a bicycle mechanic. With this book, you can get to know about your bottom bracket from your brake lever, and your stem from your chainstays, and discover how much fun, creativity, and satisfaction there is in building your own bike. In a series of fully illustrated steps, his easy, straightforward, and enjoyable DIY handbook will take you from a complete bike construction newbie to a competent bike builder. That is why this book is ideal for a beginner in this industry. 

How much do Bicycle Mechanics Earn?

You would be anxious to know how much bicycle mechanics earn above all. Of course, we can give you a general idea. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, bicycle repairers have earned an average median wage of $32630 according to their surveys up to May 2020. Meanwhile, the highest 10 percent have earned an annual wage of $47240 whereas for the lowest 10 percent, it is $23740. 

So, this looks to be a decent amount of money. Consequently, you would not have to worry much about greens if you choose to become a bicycle mechanic. You can live a comfortable life, and you can even make it luxurious if you choose to enter the business entity. 

Park Tool BBB-4-Big Blue Book of Bicycle Repair, 4th Edition, by Calvin Jones

This is a book by C. Calvin Jones. In terms of this book, this consists of new knowledge and subjects that are essential for a modern-day bicycle mechanic. This book shows hundreds of fixes with all the step-by-step directions that you would need. “Calvin’s 4th edition is a great reference. It starts out with the most basic concepts that anyone doing mechanical work would need to know. Then goes on to work on the different systems in a modern bicycle. I have really enjoyed the book and made good use of it.” This is how a happy reader of this book has reviewed it on Amazon. And we hope that it says it all. 

Steps to be a Bicycle Mechanic

We know that you are eagerly waiting to know the steps on how to be a bicycle mechanic. And here they are. 

  1. Get a high school diploma or GED certification
  2. Complete a bike repair course
  3. Pursue certifications
  4. Get experience working in a bicycle store
  5. Start your own shop or business

If you follow the above steps, you would surely be able to achieve your career goals pretty easily. Read more about how you should proceed to be a bicycle mechanic from here onwards.

Bike Repair and Maintenance For Dummies Paperback – Illustrated, February 9, 2009

Here is another suggestion from us to go through and gain knowledge of this field. This book by Dennis Bailey and Keith Gates can show you how to keep a bicycle in top working order and in good condition, from tires to handlebars, without too much technical language, whether you have a little or a lot of experience using tools on your bike. For a bicycle mechanic who is about to enter the field, this book would surely be of great help and assistance. Bike Repair & Maintenance For Dummies is a thorough handbook despite being written in an easy-to-understand language without a lot of bicycling jargon. So, we recommend you buy this and read it. 

1. Get a high school diploma or GED certification

To begin, bicycle mechanics, like the majority of comparable occupations, require a high school diploma. Of course, getting industrial-level training in your profession is essential. A high school diploma, on the other hand, demonstrates that you have the necessary abilities to work in this field. They include reading, writing, science, and math abilities.

If not, a General Education Development certification would also be adequate. It is actually equivalent to a high school diploma. It conveys the impression that you possess the necessary expertise. The first thing you would need is a qualification that is equivalent to this level in general. That is why a GED credential would also be acceptable.

Math is the most crucial of all the skills necessary to operate as a bicycle mechanic. To perform various jobs and activities, you will almost always need to use your math abilities. It might be regarding identifying a problem and fixing it. You should be able to figure things out without too much trouble or confusion if you have the appropriate information. That is why math skills matter. Nevertheless, having an entry-level understanding is sufficient. A bicycle mechanic must not have math skills as a math prodigy does. 

Notwithstanding, having a high school diploma or an equivalent which is a GED certification is mostly essential to enter into this industry. As we told you, it is requisite for almost all other similar professions. So, it does not matter even if you choose to be a professional in the construction field, make sure to get a high school diploma or a GED. 

2. Complete a bike repair course

Of course, you need to complete a bike repair course as well. This might not be mandatory in order to become a bicycle mechanic. But this would always be a great help to proceed in your career as a bicycle mechanic. 

In this course, you would be able to learn all the theoretical facts about repairing and maintaining bicycles and all that. Of course, there is a certain amount of knowledge that you need to gain. And if you follow a course of this sort, you would surely be able to secure that knowledge pretty easily. 

Needless to say, being a bicycle mechanic is almost all a practical industry. So, it is mainly the practical skills and training that matter prominently. You do not have to worry about that. In a course of this sort, there would be plenty of training sessions. With the help of those, you can easily master the art of bicycle mechanics during that time.

Notwithstanding, your commitment and dedication during this period really matter. If you take this for granted and consider it something that is not pretty much important, you would eventually fall into trouble. So, you need to work hard to achieve your goals right from the beginning. That is the key. Obviously, it is your dedication that matters our of all. So, keep that in your mind while you complete your course program. You can surely reach heights that you never even dreamt of. But all that you need to have is dedication. 

3. Pursue certifications

You may have the skill. And you may know the techniques. You may have the knowledge. And you may know how to identify problems with bicycles and fix them. But it is only you who knows that you have such abilities. You need to show it to the outside world. How can you do that? It is by earning certifications. Certification is something that shows the outside world that you are capable of doing something specific. So, when you have a certification in this industry, the outside world would know that you are a certified bicycle mechanic. Firstly, this is important for you to get a job at a bicycle shop. Next, this is critical as a qualification when you start your own store or business. 

Of course, a voluntary certification from the United Bicycle Institute would be fine for you in order to enter into the field of bicycle mechanics. Nevertheless, make sure that you get some certifications. It does not necessarily have to be the above certification. You can earn a good and valid certification from an institute that has a reputation. In fact, that dignifies your profession and makes you a fine professional. And the world would recognize you as a genuine professional as well. 

4. Get experience working in a bicycle store

Obviously, working experience is something that really matters. You can never learn and master something all of a sudden. Everything takes time. So, in a profession like this, it is the experience that matters. No matter how skillful and practical you are, you would not be able to identify certain problems if you do not have experience. And remember, experience takes time. You have to keep working in a bicycle store for some time. Then only you would be able to understand certain specific things that you would not be able to understand if not.

However, you do not have to stress on this, as a matter of fact, All you need to do is applying for a job at a bicycle store and work there until you get the experience that you are looking for. As we told you, experience is not something that you can create. It is something that happens automatically over time. First and foremost, you need to understand that. Then you can just go on working. After all, you would automatically get what you need.

The Bicycling Guide to Complete Bicycle Maintenance & Repair: For Road & Mountain Bikes Paperback – September 28, 2010

This book by Todd Downs is a perfect guide for you to refer to. This is truly a good bicycle repair and maintenance manual, with troubleshooting sections to quickly identify and correct common problems. Further, it has about 450 photographs and 40 drawings to clarify all the step-by-step directions. Also, this newest edition consists of information on the component kits and carbon spoke specifications. As there are plenty of positive reviews and comments for this product, we thought of suggesting this to you. 

5. Start your own shop or business

Technically, we have now already told you how to be a bicycle mechanic. You are actually a professional bicycle mechanic when you work at someplace having all the qualifications. But that is mainly with regard to the professional aspect. There is another aspect which is the entrepreneurial aspect in which some of you would have a keen interest. Starting a business on your own is part of that. Of course, you can start a typical bicycle shop or a bicycle repair shop when you have made enough money for that working as an employee. If not, you can come up with a totally different and unique concept thinking out of the box.

To begin, you would need a vision for your company. It allows you to dream large and attain your objectives. Then, you must also have the drive and determination to keep going till you achieve your goals. In fact, you have to be willing to take risks. Make it a point to never miss out on a chance. You will lose money that you could have made if you miss one chance. So, make the most of any opportunity that comes your way. That is a key point to succeed in a business. Another important factor to think about is your level of self-assurance. What can you accomplish if you do not believe in yourself or your company? You must be able to believe in your own abilities. Only then will you be able to turn your business into a success.

Important Qualities of a Bicycle Mechanic

As we have already told you how to be a bicycle mechanic, now you would be knowing that pathway. But there is so much beyond that. In the main, you need to develop your soft skills. As long as you do not have soft skills, you are not a perfect professional. You might be a professional bicycle mechanic for the sake of that. But there is no value above that. But having certain qualities can add value to that. It would also be beneficial for you in financial terms. We can list some of those qualities.

  1. Communication skills
  2. Time management skills
  3. Dexterity
  4. Detail-oriented
  5. Critical thinking skills

Here are some important aspects that would be worth it for a bicycle mechanic to have. This is as important as getting to know how to be a bicycle mechanic. So, keep on reading. 

1. Communication skills

A bicycle mechanic, in particular, requires good communication skills. You might not be able to get what your customer or client wants if you do not have strong communication skills. Then you would end up doing something entirely unrelated and unprofessional to your original idea. That is not in anyone’s best interests.

What you need to realize about having strong communication skills is that you need to be effective communicative. There are some people who are very talkative yet are nonetheless ineffective. Those folks do not truly understand what the other person is saying. And this, without a doubt, has a negative impact on the ultimate result.

You must enhance your communication abilities if you believe you are not communicative enough. It is for your own benefit that you do this. You will eventually be in trouble if you do nothing to enhance your communication abilities.

A bicycle mechanic may have to get to know what the client expects. You may have to ask peculiar things where you have doubts. If you keep quiet and do not understand the anticipation, the situation would become chaotic. Also, pay attention to what your client has to say with regard to his or her expectation. 

Effective Communication at Work: Speaking and Writing Well in the Modern Workplace Paperback – June 16, 2020

This undergoing digital era necessitates all businesses to have an effective online presence no matter what sort of business it is. This is critical mainly for successful marketing purposes. So, you need to learn the modern way of communicating effectively online. Apart from that. You need to be effectively communicating even when you are dealing with your customers in your workplace. For both of these purposes, you can take a read of this book by Vicki McLeod. This would particularly help you be good at communication in all ways. 

2. Time management skills

Time management skills are, without a doubt, critical for any professional. So, it is critical for a bicycle mechanic as well. If you do not have strong time management skills as a professional, you will be at a loss. Your first duty as a bicycle mechanic would be to sketch out the extent of work you have to do. Simultaneously, you would need to figure out how you would achieve this throughout your working hours. Actually, you do not need any special time management skills for this. It is, nevertheless, important that you effectively manage your time. However, for a bicycle mechanic, this is important.

In both professional and casual contexts, time management is an essential factor. The completion of a project will be subject to specific time constraints. So, if that project is part of your job, you must realize that you must set aside time for each element of the task you must do. 

Of course, time management abilities are crucial. For everyone with an interest in this field, it is just as vital as understanding how to be a bicycle mechanic. As a result, if you believe you are not effectively managing your time, you must address the issue. You may certainly make an effort to manage your time and succeed at it. However, once you begin any type of task, you must have that tremendous motivation.

Time Management: The Ultimate Productivity Bundle – Become Organized, Productive & Get Clear Focus (Time Management Tips, Time Management Skills, Productivity Hacks) Kindle Edition

This book by Dane Taylor is a fine choice for you to go through if you think that you need to improve your time management skills. “This book talks about time management and encourages its readers to become productive daily. For me, time management is a broad topic but the author with the bundle book was able to emphasize time management as a skill to have a better day and to maximize time.” This is how a reader of this product has reviewed it on Amazon. Of course, you know how important time is. What you do not know sometimes is to manage it, in which case this book would be a helping hand for you. 

3. Dexterity

What exactly is dexterity? Dexterity is the ability to use your hands to do a variety of tasks according to the directions you get. Any sort of job that you undertake as a bicycle mechanic, you would need to utilize your hands. So, if you are reading this on how to become a bicycle mechanic and truly want to be one, you should realize that your dexterity skills should be up to par. Of course, in your working life, you cannot have excuses because you are physically unfit.

Jump Rope MASTERY DVD – Jump Rope DVD With Routines, Exercises & Techniques To Improve Fitness, Agility, Cardio & To Tone Body

This DVD will greatly assist you in improving your dexterity. Overall, you’ll improve your fitness, agility, cardio, and other talents as a result of this. In this situation, though, it is definitely advantageous for you to substantially improve your dexterity. As you might have guessed, this DVD shows you how to improve your dexterity by jumping rope. Plenty of people have made use of this. This, they believe, helped them stick to their exercise goals. Take part in these jump rope exercises. Refer to the DVD for instructions on how to complete the tasks. You can accomplish fantastic results. We guarantee it.

4. Detail-oriented

If you want to succeed as a bicycle mechanic, you must pay close attention to even the smallest details. It is the little things that mean the most. If you do not pay close attention, it might have a negative impact on the entire process.

Most of the time, after you make a mistake, there is no way to make it correct. Hence, it is critical to always do the right thing first. That means you would need to pay close attention to detail from the outset of any cabinetmaking project. A genuine professional in this field will not skip portions of the work or overlook the slightest detail in order to accomplish the task quickly. So, try to be a genuine professional and be detail-oriented to the letter.

Improve Attention To Detail: A straightforward system to develop attention to detail in yourself, employees, and across an organization. Paperback – April 17, 2019

As previously said, a bicycle mechanic’s attention to even the smallest details is critical. If you have not already mastered the art of being detail-oriented, we recommend reading Chris Denny’s book to learn how to pay attention to even the smallest details. This book is written in an easy-to-read, fast-paced style. In this 125-page book, there are no unnecessary fillers. The author, Chris Denny, keeps things moving along while remaining consistent on the content’s goal: to help you develop and/or enhance your attention to detail. This book has gotten a lot of positive feedback as well. So, this surely would be a good read for you. 

5. Critical thinking skills

As a bicycle mechanic, you would have to analyze problems in order to fix them. For that, you have to understand where and what has gone wrong. If you do not possess critical thinking skills, you would really be in trouble as you would not be able to analyze the problem and solve it. The solutions are available only for the person who has questions and thoughts to solve them. So, if you are reading this article on how to be a bicycle mechanic, bear in mind that you need to have critical thinking skills for you to succeed. 

We do not say that you have to be an Einstein in this regard. But we just say that you have to be good at this up to a certain extent which is necessary for your profession. Of course, it is pretty easy to indulge in such a profession if your thought process is exceptionally creative. 

Critical Thinking: A Beginner’s Guide to Developing Effective Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills. Think Critically to Improve Your Reasoning. Overcome … Logical Fallacies (The Critical Thinker) Kindle Edition

As we told you, it is important for a bicycle mechanic to have critical thinking skills up to a certain extent. This book by Morris Cullen helps you develop your level of critical thinking. For your trade, this would be immensely beneficial. You can start thinking innovatively. Also, you can become creative if you have critical thinking skills. Ultimately, you can become successful in your trade. That is why we ask you to read this book and improve your critical thinking skills. 

The Bottomline

We hope that you would now be having a pretty good idea of how to be a bicycle mechanic after reading this article. If you are interested, you can read about the pathways to become certain professionals such as a plumber, electrician, mason, HVAC technician, ironworker, glazier, solar installer, boilermaker, painter, and so on. We wish you success in your profession.